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Young People's Supported Accommodation (YPSA)

Young People's Supported Accommodation (YPSA)

The Young People's Supported Accomodation (YPSA) is commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council, in partnership with the district councils. The YPSA is a service that supports young people aged 16 to 24 that require accommodation and support to develop independent living skills. Response is commissioned to provide the accommodation and support, working in partnership with Oxfordshire Youth and Oxfordshire County Council.

Who is eligible for the service?

Services are targeted at young people aged 16-24 experiencing the following issues:

  • Separation from or loss of family.
  • Past family experiences such as trauma, abuse, neglect, family breakdown, parental drug and alcohol dependency, parent mental health or disability issues.
  • Behaviours that challenge, which have resulted from their experiences.
  • Needs resulting from drug and alcohol use, anger management, low self-esteem, self-harm, mental health, learning disability and domestic abuse.

Check eligibility

YPSA eligibility criteria and referral process (pdf format, 165Kb)

It is recognised that there may be young people that may display/have a set of specialist needs that cannot be catered for within the YPSA and alternative accommodation options and support will need to be considered.  The young person’s support needs will be assessed on an individual basis. Consideration will be given to the capacity to meet the needs of the young person within the YPSA framework of support.

The impact we have

  • We enable young people to build the skills to live independently.

  • Through working with other agencies, we ensure there is holistic support for young people.

  • We help young people to engage or re-engage with activity that supports education, employment or training.

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