Are you sure you're okay?

At Response, we understand that mental health challenges can affect anyone at any age. That's why we offer specialised services for children, young people, and families who need support.
We provide a range of evidence-based treatments and interventions, including cognitive-behavioural therapy informed approaches, and solution-focused methods and more.
Our services are tailored to meet the unique needs of each young person and family we work with. We take a person-centred approach to care, focusing on the individual's strengths and working collaboratively with families to support them through their journey. We are particularly skilled at bringing a Youth Worker and Social Prescribing approach to our work.
Our team understands that seeking help for mental health challenges can be daunting, especially for children and young people. That's why we work to create a safe and welcoming environment where young people and their families can feel comfortable and supported.
We believe that early intervention and prevention are key to improving outcomes for young people and families struggling with mental health challenges. We work closely with schools, CAMHS, GPs, and other professionals to ensure that young people and families receive the support they need when they need it.
External Evaluation of Children, Young People and Families project
We commissioned Research Oxford to evaluate the first year of the social prescribing project in Oxford Health CAMHS Getting Help and Getting More Help.
Our Services
In the Community
We've opened up new choices, broader and near-to-home support for many young people through our provision of specialist outreach workers. We have identified the right partners and are managing the process. Response have specialist outreach workers based in multiple locations.

Wellbeing Youth Workers (Mental Health Support Team)
The Mental Health Support Team (MHST) within CAMHS has teamed up with Response to offer a number of secondary schools in Oxfordshire access to a Wellbeing Youth Worker as part of their Whole School Approach. In addition, we are now extending our expertise to offer Youth Work in private schools.
Our Youth Workers offer preventative mental health support to young people in the schools they are based in. They do this through fun, engaging and flexible approaches that fit to the needs of the individual young people and the needs of the schools.

Reframe is a new project supporting 16-25-year-olds affected by life-changing events who are falling through the gaps between Child & Adolescent to Adult Mental Health Services. The overriding aims of the Reframe are to reduce health inequalities, increase resilience and improve life chances for young adults.

Specialist Youth Workers
The aim of this project is to support young people with the most acute mental health needs in hospitals through social prescribing methods. If young people are placed in a Tier 4 hospital unit, they are often at a stage with their mental health where specialist treatment is needed because they are at risk of becoming very unwell.

Single Point of Access
The Single Point of Access (SPA) in CAMHS is the place where all referrals for mental health support in the county come for triage and placing with the right team for the need.

Outreach NDC
Response has 2 offers under the umbrella term of Outreach. This work is about supporting the most stuck young people in CAMHS, where other teams might be struggling to engage with the young person.

Young People's Supported Accommodation (YPSA)
The Young People's Supported Accomodation (YPSA) is commissioned by Oxfordshire County Council, in partnership with the district councils. The YPSA is a service that supports young people aged 16 to 24 that require accommodation and support to develop independent living skills. Response is commissioned to provide some of the accommodation and support, and some of this is delivered in partnership with Oxfordshire Youth.

Who have we helped?
of Young People and their families are supported every year through our services
Young People living in our supported accommodation