Mohammed's Story

“I'm not going to sugercoat it, recovery can be hard.”
In and out of hospital
“It's a real shame to say, but when I was mentally unstable, people didn't want to get close to me. I'd behave in an unpleasant way and react to things, be out of control. I was shunned by other people. Things came to a head when I went to hospital - which happened three times. Returning to hospital can feel deflating and like you're not making progress. I thought I'd never live a normal life.”
Learning to live in supported accommodation
“Leaving hospital wasn't plain sailing either. You can't predict how any one person's recovery will be, there is no one size fits all. I wasn't suddenly better overnight. Learning to live alongside people in supported accommodation was a learning curve for me too, and it took time for me to adjust to.”
Accepting my mental health
“But, I did become happy. It's not just about being stable, but learning to accept and celebrate our lives as they are. I'm accepting of my mental health, and I don't worry about my future anymore. The staff at Response helped me to have a lightbulb moment, and I decided to take control of my world rather than let it control me. Instead of smoking or being destructive, I try to fill my time with positive things like exercise, which do actually make me feel good. I've also realised the importance of connecting with family.”