Michael's Story

"Yes, it’s a lovely place, I’ll live here...”
Life before Response
This is Michael. Michael, now in his 80s, has lived with Schizophrenia and Depression for many years, managing his health with the support of medication. A highly independent individual, Michael has been supported by Response since before 2001 and currently receives just a bit of help from his key worker through weekly chats and some practical support around his room.
Before becoming a resident with Response, Michael faced distressing challenges: his neighbours had been taking his money, food, and clothes. To protect him, his team placed him in a Money Management program.
Michael's journey has had its ups and downs, but since finding his place with us, he hasn’t needed to return to the hospital. He’s found a lasting sense of stability and security here—a place where he can live comfortably and with dignity.
Michael's Decision
Michael has always been clear and candid about his thoughts. When something feels unclear, he lets us know. In discussing his future and the possibility of moving on from Response, we prioritised meaningful reflection on his needs: the support he receives, what we provide, and where there may be room for growth.
At first, Michael was hesitant to consider moving on, so we introduced the topic gently, weaving it gradually into key work sessions. Over time, Michael came to his own decision, expressing that he felt ready to take the next step. It was a significant moment, led by his own sense of readiness, signaling the beginning of a new chapter for him.
The North Patch
The North Patch offers a 9 am-5 pm service which is specifically for clients with low support needs with mental health and complex needs. We offer 4 HMOs in Banbury and 7 individual flats in Bicester. We help people access the correct benefit entitlement, maintain properties, teach skills to cope, provide support in the community to promote rehabilitation outside of psychiatric units, etc.
From here, we began the process of moving on. Together with Response, Michael applied to the housing register, and liaised with Cherwell District Council to organise his paperwork to move on.
Moving Forward
Michael was then allocated a property in Extra Care Housing; Michael was very resistant to viewing this property at first. Changing the phrase to give weight to the situation from ‘Let’s go and view this place for move on’, to ‘Can we give it a chance together? You don't have to accept anything you don't want to accept, it's all in your hands Michael’. Why don’t we try going together to see this place?’
Michael agreed and when he saw the property he said..