CEO Blog Summer

Nicola's Blog
Our new website
“I am so pleased our new website has launched! The Engagement and Fundraising team have done an incredible job in getting this completed, and thank you to all the new Engagement champions who have also played a role. As you will see, the website offers a wealth of information for the individuals we work with, commissioners and loved ones so people can easily find out what we offer, and what to expect when they access our services. It provides self-help guides for practical support such as managing tenancies and reporting repairs, to toolkits on improving your mental health. We also have a great new section dedicated to fundraising, so please do check this out.”
Putting the individuals we work with at the centre
“Response is in a privileged position to really make a difference to people’s lives, and I see the dedication and passion every day from colleagues. Building a sense of connection and trust with individuals we work with plays a big part, so we decided to expand our Engagement team. The team will be raising the bar on how we listen to the voices of clients and their loved ones, and how we embed co-production to shape the decisions that impact them directly. I am excited to see how this work progresses and incorporates all areas of Response, including services that may not directly have contact with the individuals we work with.”
Partnership working
“It’s been a few months of big changes and progress within Response and more widely across the voluntary sector, which have been really exciting to see. The involvement of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprises (VCSE) sector in shaping future services is beginning, and VCSEs also have a seat at the table in decision making across the regional health and care system across Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire and Berkshire (BOB). Events have ranged from workshops to shape the new vision for Berkshire Healthcare’s mental health services, to representing the VCSE sector at Oxfordshire decision making boards, to learning events with Oxfordshire leaders hosted by the NHS Leadership Academy. It’s complicated stuff, however the dedication and commitment to work together in finding the right solutions for people who need our services is remarkable. If you want to know more, the BOB VCSE Alliance website provides a trusted and recognised two-way communication line between the health system and the VCSE sector across the region.”